
Prof. Kei SAKAGUCHI and Assoc. Prof. Gia Khanh TRAN offer lectures in areas of signal processing and wireless communication for students both in undergraduate and graduate major in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Tokyo Institute of Technology.
For details about current and past lectures, please check the links below for your information.

Prof. Kei SAKAGUCHI’s lecture offerings.

Assoc. Prof. Gia Khanh TRAN’s lecture offerings.


Laboratory Seminar

For All students
Date: Tue. 16:40 –18:30 @S3-906
– To share what your are researching among lab members
– To make academic discussion on the new results
– Materials must be made in English
– Materials are managed by Office 356
– Interactive Q&A
– Open courseware / seminar’s materials can be employed

Book Reading Seminar

Textbook: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
For All (especially B4 and M1)
Date: Wed. 15:05 – 16:35 @S3-906
Purpose: To study tools for research of wireless communications

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