Dr. Amr Amrallah(graduated 2023) received IEICE ComEX TOP DOWNLOADED LETTER AWARD
Sakaguchi lab’s students won 1st place in DMP Hackathon
Students from Sakaguchi laboratory won 1st place in the Hackathon organized by Dynamic Map Platform Co., Ltd.
Gunhee Cho & Kazuma Nonomura got SSS BEST SEED AWARD
Gunhee Cho(M1) and Kazuma Nonomura(M1) were awarded the SSS BEST SEED Award!
Prof. Sakaguchi explained 6G in NHK
Prof. Sakaguchi joined the TV program NHK G 「漫画家イエナガの複雑社会を超定義 6G通信まであと10年なの!?の巻」 on 17 June 2022 and explained what the barrier for realizing 6G and what happens in 6G society.
Gunhee Cho got Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award
Gunhee Cho(M1) was awarded the IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2022 Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award!
UAV-based 4K video real-time transmission (5.7GHz/10HMz) from 5km away
We succeeded in transmitting 4K video in real-time from UAVs in 5km away.
Masanori Ozasa got APWCS Student Paper Award
Masanori Ozasa(M2) was awarded the APWCS 2021で APWCS Student Paper Award from APWC2021 !
The arrival of a super smart society brought about by 5G
An interview with Prof. Sakaguchi was posted on the homepage of SONY B.
Prof. Sakaguchi explained 5G in BS Fuji 「GALILEO X」
Prof. Sakaguchi joined the TV program of BS Fuji 「GALILEO X」 on 2021/1/24, and explained how 5G will change our life and what it can bring to the society.
Ms. Yin Yue (D2) and Mr. Masanori Ozasa (M1) got the IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter 2020 Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award
Ms. Yin Yue (D2) and Mr. Masanori Ozasa (M1) got the IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter 2020 Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award