Mr. Ricardo Santos did a presentation on GLOBECOM 2017 for his paper: Turning the knobs on OpenFlow-based resiliency in mmWave small cell meshed networks
Ricardo Santos did a presentation on GLOBECOM 2017
Tutorial Seminar of Prof. Dusit Niyato from NTU, Singapore
We will organize the seminar of Prof. Dusit Niyato, who is a professor at Nanyang Technological University.
MCRG+AWCC Miraijuku
Staff and students of Sakaguchi Lab joined the MCRG+AWCC Miraijuku, which was held for better communication and exchange between MCRG and AWCC members on 11/16/2017.
Prof. Araki’s Commemorative Speech and Award Ceremony
Prof. Araki was awarded Career Award ( 功績賞 ) by IEICE for his contributions to the research and development of wireless communications. To celebrate it, the award ceremony will be held
Hiroaki Nishiuchi did a poster presentation in SmartCom2017
Hiroaki Nishiuchi did a poster presentation in SmartCom2017 on Performance Evaluation of Prefetching Algorithm for 5G mmWave Edge Cloud
Prof. Sakaguchi did a invited lecture in RCS
Prof. Sakaguchi did a invited lecture in RCS (Technical Committee on Radio Communication Systems) on Applications of mmWave Heterogeneous Network in 5G
Seminar of Prof. Seong-Lyun Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
We organize the seminar of Prof. Seong-Lyun Kim, who is a professor at Yonsei University, Korea. He will speak on Random MAC and Opportunity Detection in Dynamic Spectrum Access.
Discussion Seminar with MiEdge-EU members
We organized a discussion seminar with MiEdge-EU members on 2017/10/4 (18:00 – 18:40) at S3-201.
Sakaguchi Lab will be open for visitors in Tokyo Tech Festival 2017
Tokyo Tech Festival will be hold in Oct. 7th and 8th.
Sakaguchi Lab will be open for visitors in 10:00 – 17:00, Oct. 7th (Sat).
Prof. Sakaguchi spoke at 2017 Taipei 5G Summit
Prof. Sakaguchi spoke at 2017 Taipei 5G Submit on the topic: The Challenge and Proposition of mmWave in 5G