Prof. Kei Sakaguchi is featured in the “FACES: Tokyo Tech Researchers”.
5G – a Technology to Realize a Super Smart Society
What kind of services would 5G be able to realize? In a interview by Japan SPOTLIGHT, Dr. Kei Sakaguchi, professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology and dean of the Tokyo
Prof. Sakaguchi participated in TV show 「ワイドナショー」 (Wide Show) and explained 5G for audience
Prof. Sakaguchi participated in FUJI TV’s TV show 「ワイドナショー」 (Wide Show) on 11/17. He explained 5G and its future applications, such as IoT, automated driving and MR, to the audience.
Prof. Sakaguchi expressed his opinion about Society 5.0 in an interview from CGTN
Japan intends to lead initiatives to overcome challenges in a new era. “Society 5.0” is a part of Japan’s growth strategy to realize economic growth and solve social issues for
Diamond Online: The development of business-oriented and society-rooted applications is the key for 5G
Prof. Sakaguchi expressed his views about the upcoming 5G and its applications, in an interview by Diamond Online.
Research of Wireless Grids was featured by BS フジ 様
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