Prof. Sakaguchi joined the TV program of BS Fuji 「GALILEO X」 on 2021/1/24, and explained how 5G will change our life and what it can bring to the society.
Coming soon! 5G will change the world! – Prof. Sakaguchi explains 5G in a TV show
Prof. Sakaguchi explained 5G to audience in plain and non-academic words in TV show 「NMBとまなぶくん」.
Prof. Sakaguchi participated in TV show 「ワイドナショー」 (Wide Show) and explained 5G for audience
Prof. Sakaguchi participated in FUJI TV’s TV show 「ワイドナショー」 (Wide Show) on 11/17. He explained 5G and its future applications, such as IoT, automated driving and MR, to the audience.