Hiroaki Nishiuchi did a presentation for his new paper in VTC2018-Spring, 4 June 2018.
Prof. Tran did a presentation for his paper in ICC 2018
Prof. Tran did a presentation for his paper Architecture of mmWave edge cloud in 5G-MiEdge in ICC2018 on 20th May.
Prof. Sakaguchi did a keynote speech in ICC 2018
Prof. Sakaguchi did a keynote speech on Cooperative Perception Realized by Millimeter-Wave V2V2X for Automated Driving in ICC 2018, 20 May 2018.
mmWave 5G and Beyond – H30 1st EE Forum on Science and Technology
Prof. Sakaguchi will give a lecture about mmWave 5G and Beyond in H30 1st EE Forum on Science and Technology of TokyoTech.
Diamond Online: The development of business-oriented and society-rooted applications is the key for 5G
Prof. Sakaguchi expressed his views about the upcoming 5G and its applications, in an interview by Diamond Online.
MCRG/AWCC joint Open House 2018
Sakaguchi Lab will join the MCRG/AWCC joint Open House 2018 on 4/26(Thur.) in Tokyo Titech.
Thank-You Party
The Thank-You Party was held by students to express their appreciation for professors.
Presentations in 2018 IEICE General Conference
Several presentations will be given by our lab members for the following papers in 2018 IEICE General Conference from Mar. 20th to Mar. 23rd.
Alumni Party of Araki・Murata・Sakaguchi Lab
We are going to hold our Alumni Party on 16/12/2017(Sat.).