Prof. Sakaguchi expressed his views about the upcoming 5G and its applications, in an interview by Diamond Online.
Ricardo Santos did a presentation on GLOBECOM 2017
Mr. Ricardo Santos did a presentation on GLOBECOM 2017 for his paper: Turning the knobs on OpenFlow-based resiliency in mmWave small cell meshed networks
Hiroaki Nishiuchi did a poster presentation in SmartCom2017
Hiroaki Nishiuchi did a poster presentation in SmartCom2017 on Performance Evaluation of Prefetching Algorithm for 5G mmWave Edge Cloud
Prof. Sakaguchi did a invited lecture in RCS
Prof. Sakaguchi did a invited lecture in RCS (Technical Committee on Radio Communication Systems) on Applications of mmWave Heterogeneous Network in 5G
Prof. Sakaguchi spoke at 2017 Taipei 5G Summit
Prof. Sakaguchi spoke at 2017 Taipei 5G Submit on the topic: The Challenge and Proposition of mmWave in 5G
Prof. Sakaguchi and Dr. Yu Tao presented at IEICE Society Conference
Prof. Sakaguchi spoke at IEICE Society Conference on mmWave Application in 5G and Beyond and Dr. Yu Tao spoke on A Lighting Control System Using Battery-less Wireless Human Detection Sensor
Prof. Sakaguchi did a presentation in IEEE SPAWC 2017
Prof. Sakaguchi did a presentation in IEEE SPAWC 2017 for the paper mmWave Meshed Network with Traffic and Energy Management Mechanism
Prof. Sakaguchi attended IMS2017 and spoke in workshop
Prof. Sakaguchi attended IMS2017, and spoke on MiEdge: Fusion of mmWave Access and Mobile Edge Computing for 5G in a workshop
Hiroaki Ogawa presented his work in IEEE ICC2017
Hiroaki Ogawa did a presentation in IEEE ICC 2017 for his paper Traffic Adaptive Formation of mmWave Meshed Backhaul Networks, on May 21st 2017.
Research of Wireless Grids was featured by BS フジ 様
Please check out the link for details.