This is a demo of SDN-based millimeter-wave V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) communication and cooperative perception for safe autonomous driving.
Thank-You Party 2019
The Thank-You Party was held by students, who are going to graduate in this March, to express their appreciations for professors and staff.
Prof. Sakaguchi was awarded IEICE Fellowship
Prof. Sakaguchi was awarded the IEICE Fellowship in the conferment ceremony held by IEICE on Mar. 21, 2019.
Ryuichi Fukatsu received Graduate School Research Award at JSAE
Ryuichi Fukatsu received the Graduate School Research Award at Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan. The award is for graduate students who have contributed outstanding research in the related fields
Prof. Araki published his new textbook
Prof. Araki published his new textbook 《回路とシステム論の基礎》 (Fundamentals of Circuit and System Theory).
Sakaguchi Lab Sports Festival 2019
Lab members joined Sakaguchi Lab Sports Festival 2019 in SPORU, on 2 March 2019.
[Demo] Millimeter-Wave Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication
This is a demo of millimeter-wave vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication for sharing sensing data among autonomous driving vehicles.
Makoto Nakamura presented at CCNC2019
Makoto Nakamura presented at CCNC2019 for his paper Interference Management for Millimeter-wave Mesh Backhaul Networks
Araki・Murata・Sakaguchi Lab Alumni Party 2018
We would like to announce that the ARAKI・MURATA・SAKAGUCHI LAB Alumni Party 2018 will be held on Dec. 8th. The details of it are as follows.
Prof. Sakaguchi and Mr. Nakamura presented in SmartCom2018
Prof. Sakaguchi did a invited talk, and Mr. Nakamura did a poster presentation in SmartCom2018 on 31st Oct.,2018.